This weekend I attended my very first Game Expo (VGXPO) and in the proccess stumbled upon my very first Anime Expo (Zenikaikon) as well. There I met a lot of very interesting people. I had met up with Mellisa Diaz who is the owner of http://preciousmiseries.com and http://stitchesandcompany.com/. She was kind enough to draw me a picture and sign it, which I'm going to store away for when she becomes a popular artist and designer.

I had also met a girl named Evirion who is a friend of Melissa's. Francine (Evirion) had won first place at the cosplay contest. Francine hand made her entire costume, and it was the most authentic and realistic thing I've ever seen. I spent some time talking to her about how long it took, the cost and labor of it all and generally what its like to cosplay (now that I think about it, it would be kinda cool to interview a cosplayer if this were an Anime related blog). I got so excited about cosplaying that I decided to try it out in the future. At first I wanted to do Magna Carta and the like. Those costumes seem very intricate and I'll try to build one for the next big East Coast anime con but I will also try to have my first costume be a little simpler so right now I'm looking into Allen Walker from D.Gray-man wearing a top hat : )
I had the opportunity to play some GO with a girl who is attending UPenn and has a real Go club. I'm thinking about attending, but she's really good ^^
Here are some more pictures from the event, and some advice. If your an Anime enthusianst and have never attended an Anime-con than your missing out. I have been watching this stuff since I can remember and yet never experienced a gathering of so many people that are interested the same things as myself.
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