Saturday, December 9

Book Wish List

Right before entering high school I would read a ton of technical books. The list of books I've read was immense but the books I wanted to read was even more ambitious. While digging through those same archives this is what I stumbled on.

My Book Wish list

Here are some of the books I’d like to recommend to the CRSD Library. I’ve broken these books into categories and provided a small rating next to each. Most of these books are under $30 so I honestly hope the library can obtain them.


Dynamic Anatomy (*****)
Dynamic Figure Drawing (****)
Dynamic Wrinkles and Drapery (***)
Drawing Dynamic Hands (***)
Drawing the Human Head (****)


Digital Character Animation (*****)
Digital Character Animation II: Essential Techniques (*****)
Digital Character Animation II: Advanced Techniques (*****)
Character Animation in Depth (*****)
Animation Facial Features and Expressions (****)


Film Directing Shot by Shot (****)
Film Directing Cinematic Motion (*****)


Type in Motion (*****)
After Effects 4.0 Classroom in a Book (*****)


Digital Lighting and Rendering (an absolute must)
3D Lighting: History, Concepts, and Techniques (*****)


Inside Lightwave 7 (*****)


Maya 4 Fundamentals (I personally recommend this book)
The Maya 4 Handbook (*****)


The Making of Final Fantasy: Spirits Within (****)
Art of the Matrix (****)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Portrait of Ang Lee’s Epic Film (****)


Graphic Gems I (****)
Graphic Gems II (***)
Graphic Gems III (****)
Graphic Gems IV (*****)
Graphic Gems V (****)
This is a must series
AI Game Programming Wisdom (*****)
Real Time Rendering Tricks and Techniques in DirectX (*****)
Game Programming Gems (*****)
Game Programming Gems II (*****)
3D Game Engine Design (*****)
Introduction to Algorithms (*****)
The C Programming Language Special Edition (*****)
Effective C++ (*****)
Physics for Game Developers (*****)
Multiplayer Game Programming (*****)
Computer Networks: Systematic Approach (*****)
Internet Game Programming (*****)
OpenGL Programming Guide (*****)
The Mythical Man-Month: Essay on Software Engineering (*****)
Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules (*****)
Code Complete (a must)
Game Developer’s Marketplace (out of print but one of the most amazing books)
Game Architect and Design (***)


Digital Texturing and Painting (a definite must book)

Game Developer
Computer Graphics World

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