Sunday, July 29

Everyone can draw

Is something I trully believe, creativity is something that all humans can do. With that being said, I am a huge supporter of user created content, customization, and this brings me to some good news regarding Little Big Planet. It was recently announced that Little Big Planet will not just be "an obstacle course simulator". The enemies ranging from giants to little robots I'm confident that the creators of Kung-Fu will provide plenty of variations, but the question is how much of this will be sandbox and open to user manipulation.

Customizing the materials is fairly given, but what about the AI? Will the user be able to modify stats such as strength, hit points, and maybe even create our own creatures of evil.

Well suffice to say, I'm very excited. Could you imagine a story driven game with free episodic content created by users?

Friday, July 27

Heavenly Sword Demo

The demo starts off all too familiar. If you've followed than this is nothing new, but it was extremely satisfying to move through the environment which might I add looks absolutely gorgeous. It hard to put my finger on it but be it the moving of the grass or the colors, it's something I could easily see myself being taken with no matter how many times I see it. So than I start swinging that big sword on my back, the first swing follows a delay and reminds me heavily of devil may cry style game-play. So with that in mind I start looking for a pattern and quickly begin stringing together quick swings followed by a heavy swing. Aside from the familiar there were several things that the game was doing that seemed unfamiliar, and unfamiliar to some is usually regarded as bad but let's not judge too soon. Heavenly Sword does not let you jump easily, in fact there is no jump button and so there is no easy way to escape from being gang banged by dozens of enemies. Now there is a roll button, but quite frankly it's nowhere near as enjoyable as skillfully leaping feet above them and quickly landing behind the front lines. So although at first I abused this feature; I don't like to cheat games. So I begin to look for a more cinematic solution. I find that blocking works pretty well, and quickly the game became very fun. My only real complaint is the fact the demo is un-satisfyingly short.

Saturday, July 14

Left 4 Dead

My top pick from this year's E3

Sunday, July 1

New toys, I hope they'll let me play

So lately I've been hearing rumors of things like Vista becoming the official OS for FullSail laptops, an upgrade to DirectX 10, and now the news of NaturalMotion coming I am trully thrilled. You can read more on this announcement at

Emotions in Videos games

Another big promise from the great Peter Molyneux : )